Wednesday 11 January 2012

Year of the Dragon, Lucky for Business?

With all the festive celebrations now passed, what does 2012 hold for business owners, residents and visitors of Tenerife. The Chinese will tell you on the 23rd of January they will celebrate the turning of their New Year, which by their philosophers account will be a very lucky year for business. The year of the Dragon is seen by the Chinese as a fortunate and lucky year, a prosperous year for all intending on starting up new ideas companies and businesses. Well lets face it, we can probably rely on this advice as much as we can any banker, financial expert and so on. Who really does know, with Iran now forcing the hand of the west, we could even be looking at another war, stretching the Europeans budgets into a deeper recession. Even the hint of problems from Iran has hiked oil prices, which we were told only weeks ago could push the world into a deeper recession than we have already seen. Tenerife, is certainly feeling the brute force of the economy, but what do the parliamentary powers do about it. If you visit Los Gigantes, you will see their approach was to force bar owners and local businesses to abide by rules, taking away valuable tables from unused walkways, and kerbing advertising on the streets. They must have some logic behind this move, even music bars and entertainment bars are being harassed by Police to close on time and cut volume levels. Los Cristianos seems to be bustling in the day times, but the approach of many fully inclusive resorts now hits the local businesses hard, and tourists are just not spending.
My approach for 2012 is to stop watching the news, stop listening to the 100´s of "specialists" I see on Sky news, and to just get on with a smile on my face. It seems many people can be talked into recession, businesses can be scared into closing, and customers can feel a sense of doom and gloom before they even act.
Business Pages Tenerife, will still be finding your numbers, searching for your products and offering you the best deals, on the island. Our new iPhone app is now also available helping to locate what you need 24/7.
If you need any help or business advice, want to talk about branching into new areas through online marketing etc...we can help.
Business Pages Tenerife, Tenerifes biggest and best online directory.

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