Friday 7 October 2011

Appsolutely Brilliant!

Appsolutely Brilliant!

Mobile phones these days now seem to do everything, the actual call and receive process really do seem to play second place to all the new gizmos and gadgets available. From a torch to a home cinema phones these days just keep spiraling forward as new technology becomes available. The latest craze is of course, is the iphone, and its millions of Applications’ available from the App Store?

Applications have now been abbreviated to App…and cleverly so, incorporating a pun into just three letters. Apple and their Applications seem endless, with an app for just about anything, so easily downloaded and installed, within minutes your phone can be microwaving your food, watering the garden and even running your bath! Well maybe not but with the new app from Business Pages Tenerife, it can certainly be calling all of your favorite telephone numbers.

Bptenerife is now the only English business directory on the island, a household name when searching for businesses products and services in Tenerife. They have been sourcing the islands numbers for the last 5 years with the easy to use website, and in depth paper directory. This year is no different, the website is still finding our numbers, and the new paper directory is now available from outlets around the island…but if you are an Iphone user, you can now sit back, download the free Bptenerife App from the Apple store, and find all of your numbers, whenever you need them directly from your mobile phone.

The application allows all businesses, products and services to be found and directly called from your handset…no more searching for pens or crawling Google, Iphone users now have everything in a modern easy to use App from BpTenerife.

If you haven’t got an Iphone, relax the android app is now in development, and will be available to everyone in December.

For more information contact Business Pages Tenerife on 902 881 061

Or visit the website at

And of course, if you are one of the many Iphone users visit the app store and search for Bptenerife.

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