Tuesday 2 March 2010

Where's the Motivation?

It has always been an issue for many business owners, MOTIVATION... What drives us, what keeps our fires burning. There is no boss standing over us, there is sometimes no wage packet week in week out. So what keeps us going, why do we turn up every morning to our business?

It can sometimes slip away, and become very difficult to answer this, but I always find its my dream, my ambitions, and the original idea I had when I started. My original idea, was to give people here a choice, a reliable source for residents and visitors to find the business or service they require. That still is my dream, my ambition, and my for ever lasting goal. Sometimes I have to reach inside to find it, but it is always still there, the reasons why and because, are all answered in my original dream.


Insolvency advice said...

You have a very strong motivation, I like that. Maybe motivation is just what I needed to keep me on tract, thanks!

business plan said...

I absolutely agree with you motivation is very important in all aspect in life especially in business. Without it you’re as good as nothing… no direction.